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The #1 challenge salespeople face is getting to their decision-makers quickly. Seasoned reps recognize that getting a meeting before clients know they have a need is even more critical. Some people say it takes seven to 12 touches to reach prospects. Is that how you want your team spending their time?
Given the evolution of B2B buying cycles, sales managers must continually acquire and adopt new skills to effectively lead, compete and win. Yet too often, when evaluating their team's performance, sales managers focus exclusively on performance metrics such as quarterly bookings or quota achievement. 
Lack of emotional intelligence skills is the one of the biggest and overlooked reason for missed revenue goals. Often, salespeople know what to do; however, in tough selling situations, they let nonproductive emotions take over. They discount too soon, write practice proposals without proper qualification and continue to meet with non-decision makers. Their inability to execute the right selling behaviors during stressful situations lead to poor sales results. When it comes to sales, emotional intelligence skills are every bit important as hard selling skills.
If your sales team has not been trained on the latest features and techniques, then they are at a competitive disadvantage. Social Selling is no longer a cutting edge practice. LinkedIn is 13 years old! Many salespeople are now driving a significant percentage of their pipeline through outbound social networking and posting content to attract buyers. According to Forbes, 78% of salespeople using social selling techniques outperform their peers.
When it comes to setting quotas and driving revenue, certain data and analytics are critical. There are tools on the market today that can empower your sales team to be far more effective at closing more prospects while eliminating wasted time searching for collateral and reconstructing contact histories, all while giving you actionable insights to improve close rates across the sales organization.
In this new workshop, which is based on sales principles in Selling to the C-Suite and social selling strategies from The New Handshake: Sales Meets Social Media, professional salespeople learn to integrate the use of social selling skills and business intelligence tools into the sales process to develop, maintain and leverage relationships with C-Suite executives. 
Based upon ES Research Group's experience and regular surveys, most decisions regarding third-party sales training content providers are made for the wrong reasons in the wrong way. The result is wasted time, money and significant lost business opportunity. 
This free webinar will teach how coaching can immediately impact the bottom line of your company and improve a sales team performance. This is a 100 % educational webinar and there will be no selling of any kind during the webinar. If your sales team does not have a formal approach to coaching this webinar is for you!  
Negotiation has long been thought of as a soft skill or a set of counter tactics in response to a random tactic from the other side.   Over the last 15 years this myth has been disproved.  Brian Dietmeyer helps us understand why  97% of what happens in a business negotiation can be anticipated and - in many cases -  prevented by a systematic use of data.
Account Based Marketing (ABM) is hot. Red hot. According to a report by SiriusDecisions, 2015 State of Account-Based Marketing (ABM), more than 60 percent of companies plan to invest in technology for ABM to better align sales and marketing over the next twelve months.
In this webinar, we will explore how to develop a branded customer experience that enhances the perceived value of your company, while impacting revenue.  Specifically, you will learn the risks you face when your customer experience does not consistently meet customers' expectations, the key ingredients to every customer experience encounter, and the areas that are crucial to transforming your customers' experience with your brand.  We will leverage this understanding of the customer experience to go beyond the expected and deliver an experience that enhances value and provides for additional revenue opportunities.
Research has confirmed that many of the behaviors sales people execute actually drive down performance. Because sales people are largely unaware of how the brain instinctively creates a buying decision, they do not know if they are selling in a way that contradicts it. Yet, there have been thousands of scientific studies that have codified how the brain is hardwired to be influenced. When sales people align how they sell with these scientific principles their ability to sell is enhanced.
Today’s digitally educated buyers require more value from their interactions with sales. Are your reps ready? Not many are. In fact, studies show that nearly 9 out of 10 sales meetings fail to meet the expectations of executive buyers.
This webcast will discuss the importance business acumen plays in the world of selling. After all, knowing your customers and meeting their specific needs has never been more important. On top of that, customers have higher expectations than ever before. If your sales team isn't meeting the client on their level they miss a chance to strengthen the relationship.
The standard, oral sales proposal is dead. Salespeople know it, and they're increasingly turning to different presentation approaches as a result. But no matter the platform, it's easy to forget that the content you develop isn't just about you - it's about your audience...their pain points, requests, questions, you name it. We know that prospects who receive tailored content are 40 percent more willing to buy. So, how can you develop a personalized proposal that will make every client feel like a big deal? 
Coaching is one of the highest leverage activities a sales manager can undertake in driving the performance of each individual on the team. Yet managers face two huge challenges, finding the time to coach, leveraging that time effectively with everyone in the organization. Too often, managers think "Coaching" is something separate from day to day business management. In the daily rush to focus on the business, coaching gets lost, ultimately rarely done or rarely done effectively.
For years, marketers have managed corporate social network accounts (i.e. LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook,...) for branding purposes. Now, leading companies like IBM, ADP, and Hewlett Packard are going one step further. They are teaching their sales people how to leverage their social networks to generate high quality leads. The reason is simple. As B2B buyers rely more and more on social networks for purchasing decisions, successful sellers are sharing valuable content to position themselves as experts and attract buyers.
  In nearly every organization, leaders are being held accountable to do something they cannot do-motivate others. Leaders can't motivate people, because people are already motivated. The question is not if a person is motivated but why.
Studies have shown that salespeople can improve their performance by more than 50% by using the skills of Versatility. Versatility allows salespeople to adapt their selling approach to the customer's buying approach, maximize their social selling capabilities, and create a more engaging customer experience. 
Your top producers consistently make their goal every year. Imagine what your sales would be like if everyone on your team joined that elite group.
Problem: Research shows that effective sales coaching can dramatically improve the performance of sales teams - in some cases driving up revenues by 20% or more. But all too often sales organizations find it challenging to develop a sales coaching program that's embedded in a coaching culture.  
Sales manager coaching has the single biggest impact on salesperson effectiveness. Unfortunately, sales manager coaching is at an all-time low, resulting in as much as 85% of sales skills never being used to drive sales performance. Why are the majority of sales managers ill-prepared to coach and support salespeople?
OK. Your company's Social Selling strategy is set and Marketing is on board to supply content. Now, what is the modern sales manager supposed to do on a daily basis to get the most out this new sales approach? Join us to learn ten tips to help sales managers maximize their team's social selling success.
Sitting down with your salespeople and sales managers every month to review sales results and revenue is like driving by only looking out the rearview mirror. It gives you a good view of where they have been, not where they are going. The key to effective sales leadership is identifying the "leading indicators" of sales performance, finding ways to track them, and focusing your energy on reviewing and coaching to them. Explore how to identify leading sales indicators and how to use them to coach effectively.
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