UNPLUGGED: Why Leaders Are the Catalyst to Reengaging the Workforce


COO, Wilson Learning Worldwide
Webinar Recording Details
  • Date and Time
    Thu, Apr 09, 2020 at 11AM Pacific / 2PM Eastern
  • Duration
    1 Hour
  • Cost
    $0 (Free)
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Only 44% of HR professionals report that employees in their company give discretionary effort (energy above and beyond what is needed to keep their job).[1]   A leader’s role is to engage others to commit their full energy to the creation of value.  In some organizations today, based on the data, it feels like employees have unplugged from their energy source.

L&D professionals can play a strategic role in helping leaders lead in a way that enables employees to choose to reengage in today’s volatile environment.
Join us as we discuss key engagement elements and ideas to reengage employees. Specifically, we will:
  • Discuss factors that affect employees’ decisions to disengage or reengage
  • Explore how to create a set of leadership practices that create a culture of engagement  

Leaders at all levels of the organization play a critical role in creating a culture of high engagement. Learn how to help your leaders reengage their employees in these time of change.

About Tom Roth

Tom Roth is the Chief Operating Officer for Wilson Learning Worldwide and President of Wilson Learning Worldwide Japan. He is responsible for the strategic direction and business performance of Wilson Learning Worldwide operations and leads the global marketing services and R&D solutions group. He assists global executive leadership teams with issues related to employee engagement, leadership development, strategy alignment, and business transformation.
Mr. Roth has spent over 40 years developing and implementing human performance improvement solutions. He is co-author of the new book Unplugged: How Organizations Lose Their Energy and How to Get It Back, released in March 2019, and Creating the High-Performance Team and has been published in numerous business publications. He frequently speaks on leadership, sales effectiveness, employee and customer engagement, change, and strategy implementation at national and international conferences and client events.

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