Sell Yourself: How to Create, Live and Sell a Powerful Personal Brand
CEO, Orange Leaf Consulting
Webinar Recording Details
Date and TimeTue, Mar 14, 2023 at 11AM Pacific / 2PM Eastern
Duration1 Hour
Cost$0 (Free)
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Find a mirror and take a good, hard look in it. Who’s staring back at you? What does that person stand for? And how does that person fit within a company or organization? It’s time to find out once and for all by discovering the power of your personal brand.
In this engaging session, Dr. Cindy McGovern discusses the playbook for creating, living, and most importantly, SELLING your personal brand—and your company’s brand—authentically and unapologetically to help you grow your business. This session will help you leave a legacy that matters—but first, you have to learn to Sell Yourself.
In this engaging session, Dr. Cindy McGovern discusses the playbook for creating, living, and most importantly, SELLING your personal brand—and your company’s brand—authentically and unapologetically to help you grow your business. This session will help you leave a legacy that matters—but first, you have to learn to Sell Yourself.
About Dr. Cindy McGovern
Dr. Cindy McGovern is known as the “First Lady of Sales.” She speaks and consults internationally on sales, interpersonal communication, and leadership. Dr. Cindy holds a doctorate in organizational communication and worked as a professor of communication before starting Orange Leaf Consulting, a sales management and consulting firm in San Francisco. She has helped hundreds of companies and individuals create dramatic and sustainable growth.
Dr. Cindy regularly coaches both professional sales employees and those whose jobs are not sales-related in an effort to help them both take advantage of opportunities to bring more business to their companies. For more information:
Dr. Cindy regularly coaches both professional sales employees and those whose jobs are not sales-related in an effort to help them both take advantage of opportunities to bring more business to their companies. For more information: