Sales Call Perfection: 9 Steps to Boost Conversion Rate Success


Stephensteers  headshot 2023   stephen steers
Founder and President, Steers Consulting Group
Webinar Recording Details
  • Date and Time
    Thu, May 30, 2024 at 11AM Pacific / 2PM Eastern
  • Duration
    1 Hour
  • Cost
    $0 (Free)
  • Want Access?
    Register to view the recording.



Are your sales call conversion rates plummeting? Are you frustrated with sales calls that fail to seal the deal? Are your Sales cycles ballooning? You’re not alone. Every sales call has its own nuance but no call is more important to your business than the discovery call. The discovery call sets the tone for the entire sale.

Drawing on my work with 750+ companies across 30 countries I’ve distilled the 9 key elements successful B2B sales teams are leveraging to increase their close rates. T O.C.G.C. Model: Opening, Creating the Gap, and Closing.

In this training, you'll learn:
  • Building Trust & Seizing Control: Learn to build trust quickly through research.
  • Discover the power of the 'Kryptonite Question' to get to pain points quickly and evoke urgency.
  • Winning Strategies for Faster Deals: How to Implement the O.C.G.C. Model into your sales playbook to streamline deals and efficiently close more deals

Don't miss this opportunity to transform your sales playbook and make 2024 your best sales year yet!

About Stephen Steers

Stephen Steers is an author, consultant, keynote speaker, storyteller and stand up comedian. He serves as President of ContextSelling, a Revenue training and consulting company for growth minded companies.

As a consultant and keynote speaker, Stephen has advised more than 750 companies from 30 countries. Including teams from Google, Nike, HEC Paris Business School and Entrepreneurs Organization.

Stephen’s work is built around helping sales orgs learn and connect through stories because stories close the sale, never the conversation.