Innovate (and Sell) Where You Differentiate


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Innovation Instigator
Webinar Recording Details
  • Date and Time
    Wed, Oct 02, 2024 at 11AM Pacific / 2PM Eastern
  • Duration
    1 Hour
  • Cost
    $0 (Free)
  • Want Access?
    Register to view the recording.
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In our fast-paced modern world, workplace burnout and confusion have become the norm.

But it doesn’t need to be this way.

Pivotal offers a powerful antidote to the dizzying spinning and relentless chaos overwhelming countless organizations (and individuals) today.

Through tools that enable you to discern genuine opportunities from mere distractions, you can create stability in both your professional and personal life.

The concept of stability is akin to a basketball player executing a pivot. While one foot moves in a circular motion, the other remains anchored to the ground.

The unsung hero is the foot that doesn’t move, as it provides the solid foundation and stability needed for future shifts.

This presentation champions the planted foot. By focusing on what doesn’t—and shouldn’t—change, you can build a robust foundation that supports future shifts without wasting valuable resources on bright, shiny objects or fleeting fads.

The emphasis has always been on what’s next. But sometimes, we need to focus on what’s now. Where do we double down our efforts to achieve extraordinary returns today and tomorrow?

And in sales, it provides the stability to know where to focus your conversational energies.

Being pivotal emerges from a place of power—today. It involves knowing where to channel your resources for the greatest impact, allowing you to offer clarity and direction to your employees—and in the process, becoming irreplaceable to your customers.

During this session, you will discover:
  • How to identify what makes you and your organization differentiated
  • The 5Ds of Differentiation
  • How to leverage your differentiator for sales and marketing efforts

Stop the spinning and start winning.

About Stephen Shapiro

For 25 years, Stephen Shapiro has presented his provocative strategies on innovation to audiences in 50 countries. During his 15-year tenure with the consulting firm Accenture, he founded and led a 20,000-person innovation practice. He has authored seven books about innovation and developed the popular Personality Poker® system, a game used to create high-performing innovation teams. Stephen is also a Senior Research Fellow with The Conference Board and was inducted into the Speaker Hall of Fame in 2015.

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