AI: A Revolutionary Tool for Measuring and Evaluating Work, If We Do the Work
By Alaina Szlachta, Ph.D.

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Where do you fall on the continuum of technology adoption? Are you an innovator, chomping at the bit to get your hands on new tools before everyone else? Do you lag the majority, resisting new tech until it’s an absolute must? Or, perhaps you’re like me, cautiously optimistic?

Cautiously optimistic has been my approach with generative artificial intelligence (AI). When ChatGPT set a historical record in 2023 as the fastest growing consumer application, I paid close attention to early adopters as they experimented with AI, before determining how I might incorporate this new wave of technology into my own ecosystem and work in measurement and evaluation (M&E).

Optimistic me was excited about the potential of generative AI to support and even revolutionize our approach to measuring learning outcomes. Yet, cautious me was quick to remember our industry’s challenge with “shiny, new object” syndrome. In the context of measuring and evaluating learning outcomes, is generative AI just another shiny new technology tool, or can it truly revolutionize the way we demonstrate learning impact?

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