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New Research Reveals the Key to Motivating Sellers to Use Content
In 2023, the success of your sales team will be determined in large part by how effectively sellers use content. 
Gamification to Close the Sales Execution Gap
The reality is that just over half of sales reps in a given group achieve quota. Similar to the games you play on your smartphones, the gamification of your sales training is a powerful tool to motivate and engage your sales team. As you make your reps actions reward-based and more competitive, you will find your sales team approach the daily grind of sales more readily.
The Business Case for Smarter Incentives
Our post-pandemic recovery has left us with instability in our supply chain, inflation, and a unique work environment. As a result, even the most solid retention and growth strategies must adapt and continue to raise the bar to ensure their contributions to brand and business value keep pace. There has never been a better time to reconsider the role of Business-to-Business (B2B) incentive and loyalty strategies. This ebook makes a case for why B2B incentive and loyalty program strategies must be refreshed or redesigned. Then, we will explore how to do that by exposing the three major reasons brands do not make these changes today. Finally, we will provide a checklist of the steps you should follow to refresh and reinvigorate your programs. Brands who simply roll over their program from year to year risk, at best, missing out on incremental revenue that could be achieved by reassessing your target audience's values. At worst, these brands face customer retention issues and lose share to their competitors. On the other hand, brands that redesign and make their programs smarter can experience about 20% gains in Return On Investment or more. Let’s dig in! 
Sales Leadership from the Inside Out
People will run really, really fast for two reasons: to win a gold medal and to get away from a German shepherd. Only one of these reasons results in sustained success. Can you guess which one?
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Sales Coaching Success: 5 Secrets
It’s the most important thing you can do as a sales leader: Master the skill of sales coaching It’s the difference between hitting your number every once in awhile and achieving over-goal performance year after year. It’s the difference between moving up in your career or moving out. Yet so few sales leaders know how to coach their salespeople. Do You? Sales Coaching Success: Five Secrets Will help you: ✓ Know why the goals you set with your reps aren’t working very well. ✓ Discover the powerful habit that supercharges any salesperson. ✓ Create a cadence of accountability that drives real revenue results. ✓ Learn a proven process for conducting effective weekly one-on-ones. ✓ And best of all, love being a sales leader again!
How to Future-Proof Your Sales & Marketing Strategy
If you had a crystal ball that could predict the future, how would you use it to shape your sales and marketing strategy and build your team? Visionary entrepreneur and founder of insurance giant Anthem, Ben Lytle, presents what you need to know to succeed in the 21st century. This riveting webinar is based on his prescient new book, "The Potentialist: Your Future in the New Reality of the Next Thirty Years." 
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4 Unique Strategies to Making Sales Management and Coaching More Accountable and Successful
This webinar will teach 4 unique strategies that will position and enable sales managers to be more successful. For the past 30 years sales teams have hovered around roughly 48 to 52% not hitting their quotas with this statistic changing very little. This means the sales industry to a certain extent has flatlined. This webinar will teach accountability tactics that can position sales managers to be more successful when managing their teams. 
New and Proven Secrets to Selling Enterprise & National Accounts
Cut Enterprise Accounts Sales Cycles in Half...While Improving the Closing Ratio! In this session, we'll explore a tactical process and technique your sales team can use that cuts the Enterprise sales cycle in half, while improving the closing ratio without having to drop their price.
How to Become a Thought Leader on LinkedIn
Learn a content strategy to ensure that you are curating, creating, sharing and engaging on the right content and attracting the right ideal customer persona.
Do Recognition Programs GET You Anything? Measuring the Impact and ROI of Recognition Programs
Survey results from the Workforce Institute indicate that 87% of employees report a high level of inclusion at their company when there’s a strong culture of recognition.1 Of those surveyed, nearly one-quarter said that they’re not recognized frequently enough. A Gallup report found that, when recognized, employees are five times more likely to feel connected to their company’s culture and four times as likely to be engaged. A recent Achievers survey revealed that 48% of leaders said their culture has deteriorated since the start of the pandemic because of lack of employee input and their failure to connect with remote employees.
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Hybrid Selling: Five Keys to Client Engagement in Today’s Selling Environment
It has been a tough couple of years for salespeople! As we emerge from the peak of the pandemic’s impact on commerce, it is clear that we are not returning to the pre-COVID normal but to a new normal of Hybrid Selling. 
Urgent Q4 Tip! Help Sales Reps Pack Their Pipelines Now!
The real reason Q4 stresses your sales team is… Standard prospecting tactics stop working. Your sales reps quickly fall into a pattern of self-defeating thoughts like prospects don’t have budget. Or, it’s year end. Decision makers are too busy to talk.  
Want to Build a Stronger Business Culture? Feedback is Key
Feedback contributes to improvement, productive changes, effectiveness, clear direction, an open culture, and, ultimately, success. Yet 95% of managers are unhappy with their performance review/management system and 59% of employees polled said that performance reviews are not worth the time. We are on a mission to change those perceptions!  
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Feedback Revolution - Building Relationships & Boosting Results
Introduction When Peter McLaughlin and I first began talking about the topics of communication and feedback specifically, we quickly realized we had several things in common. We both felt that we were not particularly effective in giving feedback. In fact, we felt that we were pretty bad. We enjoyed the challenge and the positive results that come with a successful feedback conversation. We wondered why we had not naturally learned to give feedback. We agreed that if we were provided with a roadmap or model for giving feedback, we would have performed much more effectively in such situations. Looking back at particular examples, we both had a sense of delight from the positive encounters, and a sense of dread over the sessions that left us feeling discouraged, beaten down and lackluster. So why did we begin a project filled with such negative emotion? The answer—both to improve our own feedback skills and to examine what it would take to teach a new perspective and help "turn the opinion tide" that has made feedback a dreaded negative topic. Who doesn’t want to get better? Have you ever known anyone who said, "Nah, I’ll just stay mediocre and by the way, I don’t want a raise, promotion or exciting project…" Probably not. Our internal drive propels us to strive, learn and improve.
Selling to Multiple Decision-Makers: Three Keys to Success
Every salesperson knows that important buying decisions and complex sales are rarely made by an individual—multiple decision-makers are the rule rather than the exception. Yet few salespeople know how to effectively untangle the complexities associated with influencing multiple people with various priorities in making a single buying decision.   
Listen, Let Go, and Live: Strategies for Thriving Throughout the Decades
What if you had unlimited energy capable of self-generating as much as you needed, on demand, whenever you wanted it?  How would your life change?
Screen Actors’ Secrets to Connect, Engage and Influence on Camera
Why are most virtual meetings still so awkward, unmemorable and ineffective? Because no one is born knowing how to talk to a camera! Like an actor going from stage to screen, being successful in a new medium requires new skills.  Fortunately, screen actors have spent decades developing techniques for connecting, engaging and influencing others through the camera. In this session, actor and author Julie Hansen shares the top actors’ secrets for more engaging and successful virtual meetings from her award-winning book, "Look Me In The Eye: Using Video to Build Relationships with Customers, Partners and Teams."
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The Sales Leader’s Guide, 2023
The Sales Leader’s Guide, 2023: Mitigate Market Risk and Drive Sustained Revenue in an Uncertain Economy With 2023 around the corner, it’s no secret that rumors of a recession are looming as inflation is at its peak and the market continues to fluctuate. While economic uncertainty is difficult to ignore, what does it mean for sales leaders and businesses? Readjusting expectations and evaluating processes will be a big part of successfully mitigating market risk and driving revenue in an uncertain economy. However, rather than reacting to market conditions, the successful leader will purposely pivot - using strategy, data, and resources efficiently to make better, data-driven decisions for their organization. With employee churn at a high, factors including upskilling and retaining talent, focusing on the quality of conversations, streamlining your tech stack to preserve time and budget, and mitigating organizational risk are just a handful of factors to consider when evaluating your readiness for the new year. This eBook outlines the following ways in which sales leaders can purposely pivot and utilize both data, technology, and strategy to remain resilient and overcome obstacles presented by a changing economic environment: Readjust your expectations to adapt to the changing economy Ramp new hires to full revenue productivity sooner Focus on quality conversations, not the quantity Mitigate organizational and budget changes by improving sales effectiveness Consolidate resources to better preserve time and budget Streamline tech to provide a seamless loop of insights and integrations Tailor your communications to avoid fines or upset consumers Ensure that your decisions are data-driven; it’s more important than ever
How to Manage Your Sales Pipeline to Drive Accurate Forecasts
Your sales forecast should be the single source of truth when it comes to making the decisions that drive your business with confidence.  For example, do you know exactly when the revenue in your sales forecast will hit and can you comfortably plan around it? 
Coaching for Sales Success in a Tough Economy
Economic news is not rosy and buyers are changing their priorities. What are the best ways to coach your sales team to find new accounts, expand existing ones, and retain more of them? Join Carole Mahoney, author of the upcoming book "Buyer First" and discover what sales research and the largest data set of sales performance suggests you focus on for more predictable revenue attainment and retention of your best sellers and customers. 
What Does Effective Sales Coaching Look Like?
We all know we need to coach sales reps. In the face of The Great Resignation, a staggering 60% of reps say that they’re more likely to leave their job if their manager is a poor coach (*The Center for Sales Strategy.) However, successful coaching is not always as easy as it seems. A sales leader’s time is spent on a multitude of tasks - accurately forecasting revenue, understanding where deals are, getting on calls with customers - and often, as a result, they don’t know where to begin a formal coaching process. Whether your goal is to improve rep performance, onboard new hires faster, speed up your sales cycle, or boost retention rates, effective sales coaching driven by data can be a game-changer for your organization. This guide demonstrates: How sales tech can identify coaching best practices and increase coaching effectiveness and efficiency. How to use data to improve sales coaching, including real-life examples. How to leverage sales tech to better identify "who" to coach, "what" to coach, and "how" to coach it!
What You Need to Know about the New Virtual Sales Cycle
It may seem simple—just move your sales meetings online, right? But that isn’t all you need to master virtual sales and keep up with the competition. Being a great virtual salesperson doesn’t just mean long days of videoconference calls. You have other new skills to learn.
How to Design Standout Sales Proposals that Win
Most proposals aren’t effective at winning new business, especially in highly competitive situations. Why? The most common reason is that proposals tend to focus inwardly on you organization and its capabilities, instead of outwardly on the client and their business. Why does that happen and how can you prevent it? Tune into this webinar to find out.
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Create Recognition Programs that Drive Improved Performance
Recognition and rewards can drive performance increases of 20% or more by leveraging the power of motivation psychology, social dynamics and workers’ desire for aspirational awards within a positive culture that encourages the collaboration and success of all individuals and teams.  This seems like common sense, but it is not easy to implement in the workplace unless you create programs that are designed with recognition and reward best practices. There is an art and a science element to effective recognition. This includes smart program structure, rules, training, recognition tactics, reward choices, actionable analytics and more. 
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