10 Strategies to Close More Sales Faster


Kendralee 9504 hires
President, KLA Group
Webinar Recording Details
  • Date and Time
    Wed, Oct 02, 2013 at 10AM Pacific / 1PM Eastern
  • Duration
    1 Hour
  • Cost
    $0 (Free)
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It seems that every prospect wants a deal and closing the sale can drag on while they try to negotiate. Your quota doesn’t change. Your manager is breathing down your back. And prospects expect you to negotiate because they figure you need this sale.

It is possible you’ve conditioned your prospects to expect you’ll negotiate without realizing it. With a few style adjustments from prospecting through proposal presentation you can close more sales – and close them faster.

Join top sales expert and author of The Sales Magnet, Kendra Lee and discover 10 strategies you can use to close more sales.

You’ll discover:
  • How you may be sabotaging closing the sale
  • Why prospects may not trust you – or buy
  • The impact prospecting has on successful proposal closing
  • 3 Proposal techniques to avoid, or greatly reduce, negotiations
  • 3 Strategies to close even the largest sales

About Kendra Lee

Kendra Lee is president of KLA Group, an author, speaker, and revenue generation authority uniquely combining both sales and marketing. She helps SMB companies increase revenue by using targeted B2B revenue generating strategies that speak directly to your ideal prospects and highlight your organization’s uniqueness. She is the author of the books, The Sales Magnet and Selling Against the Goal. KLA Group is a marketing agency and sales training company.

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