Selling to Value: Discovering Beyond Stated Needs


Michael leimbach   h (1)
VP, Global Research & Development, Wilson Learning Worldwide
David y
President, Wilson Learning Corporation
Webinar Recording Details
  • Date and Time
    Thu, Apr 12, 2018 at 11AM Pacific / 2PM Eastern
  • Duration
    1 Hour
  • Cost
    $0 (Free)
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It is a fact—you can’t move from a needs-based selling proposition to a value-based proposition without knowing how your customer creates value. Unfortunately, most salespeople don’t have a clue how their customers create value, or what questions to ask about the value creation process to uncover hidden needs. In this session, you will learn what your salespeople need to understand about the customer’s value chain, and how to uncover the hidden needs in order to improve that value creation process. As a result, your salespeople will be able to create greater differentiation and generate higher win rates.

During this webinar, you will:
  • Gain an appreciation for the mindset of selling to value and not just expressed needs
  • Understand the importance of differentiating yourself by selling to value
  • Learn a model for understanding your customer’s value creation process
  • Learn an approach for discovering hidden needs

By understanding how your customer creates value and selling to that value, you set yourself apart from other salespeople who sell only to known needs.

About Michael Leimbach, Ph.D.

Michael Leimbach, PhD, is a globally recognized expert in instructional design and leadership development. As Vice President of Global Research and Development for Wilson Learning Worldwide, he has worked with numerous Global 1000 organizations in Australia, England, Germany, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and throughout the United States. Over more than 30 years, Dr. Leimbach has developed Wilson Learning’s diagnostic, learning, and performance improvement capabilities, published over 100 professional articles, co-authored four books, been Editor-in-Chief for the highly acclaimed ADHR research journal, and is a frequent speaker at national and global conferences. He also serves on the ISO Technical Committee (TC232) on Quality Standards for Learning Service Providers and on the University of Minnesota College of Education and Human Development Dean’s Advisory Board.

About David Yesford

David Yesford is President of Wilson Learning Corporation. With more than 39 years of experience developing and implementing human performance improvement solutions around the world, Mr. Yesford brings valuable experience, strategic direction, and global perspective to his work. Over the years, he has held strategic roles in Wilson Learning Worldwide’s core content areas of sales and leadership, as well as e-learning and strategic consulting. Mr. Yesford is the contributing author of several books including Win-Win Selling, Versatile Selling, The Social Styles Handbook, and The Sales Training Book 2. He has also been published in numerous business publications throughout the United States, Europe, Latin America, and Asia Pacific. Mr. Yesford frequently speaks at international engagements, focusing on issues such as sales and sales strategy, leadership, employee and customer engagement, brand, and strategy implementation.

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