Are They Coachable?
White Paper by SalesFuel
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When you set out to target new business, you probably have an ICP in mind - your ideal customer profile. When you set out to recruit a new sales professional for your department, you should also have an ICP. In this case, ICP stands for ideal candidate profile. The individual you envision possesses nonstop energy and resilience, outstanding listening skills and can close deals faster than you can blink. Go ahead and blink. Then, pinch yourself. Because you are dreaming.
These types of candidates don’t just sail into your organization. When you’re recruiting, you must look for candidates who are highly coachable. Using the right guidance with the right tools, over time, you’ll be able to develop your new rep into the polished professional you envision.
Coachability is one of the top traits that sales managers consider when they’re hiring. In our Voice of the Sales Manager survey, respondents rated the most desired characteristics in their reps as follows:
1. Problem solver 69%
2. Confident 66%
3. Positive attitude / Optimistic 64%
4. Takes initiative 62%
5. Highly coachable 60%
Click below to download this free White Paper from SalesFuel.
These types of candidates don’t just sail into your organization. When you’re recruiting, you must look for candidates who are highly coachable. Using the right guidance with the right tools, over time, you’ll be able to develop your new rep into the polished professional you envision.
Coachability is one of the top traits that sales managers consider when they’re hiring. In our Voice of the Sales Manager survey, respondents rated the most desired characteristics in their reps as follows:
1. Problem solver 69%
2. Confident 66%
3. Positive attitude / Optimistic 64%
4. Takes initiative 62%
5. Highly coachable 60%
Click below to download this free White Paper from SalesFuel.
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