Disrupting Sales Management through Adaptive Sales Coaching™ - Better Coaching Leads to Better Sales
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Across the nation, sales managers are struggling.
They struggle to keep up with deadlines, with reporting, with setting and hitting goals, and with managing and motivating their sales teams. SalesFuel hears these sentiments at every conference, at every training session, and every day from our own clients. There is not enough time. And most definitely, there is no time for sales coaching.
The developers and researchers at SalesFuel were tired of hearing sales managers say, “Oh, I’m swamped with bazillions of things to do. I don’t have time to sit down and have hour-long conversations with each sales rep every week.” So, they created a tool specifically to address this no-time epidemic and to disrupt the way we think about managing sales forces forever. It is time for a sea change in sales management. And, it’s time for adaptive sales coaching.
They struggle to keep up with deadlines, with reporting, with setting and hitting goals, and with managing and motivating their sales teams. SalesFuel hears these sentiments at every conference, at every training session, and every day from our own clients. There is not enough time. And most definitely, there is no time for sales coaching.
The developers and researchers at SalesFuel were tired of hearing sales managers say, “Oh, I’m swamped with bazillions of things to do. I don’t have time to sit down and have hour-long conversations with each sales rep every week.” So, they created a tool specifically to address this no-time epidemic and to disrupt the way we think about managing sales forces forever. It is time for a sea change in sales management. And, it’s time for adaptive sales coaching.