Speaker: Elaina Zuker

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Elaina Zuker
Quebec, Canada

ELAINA ZUKER is President of Elaina Zuker Associates, a management training and consulting firm in Montreal. 

A seasoned businesswoman, educator, author and consultant, Ms. Zuker's clients have included Fortune 500 corporations such as At&T, American Express, IBM, Ogilvy & Mather, Bank of America, The Sheraton Corporation, Syntex Corporation and dozens of others.

Ms. Zuker holds a B.A. in Psychology, an M.A. in Management/Organizational Development and is the recipient of the Alumni Achievement Award from NYU Polytechnic University.

She is the author of 11 books, on Leadership, Management, Assertiveness, Influence and Communication. Her best-selling (150,000) book, “The Seven Secrets of Influence” a recent main selection for the Business Week Book Club, has been translated into 4 languages.

Her unique “Secrets of Influence™“ theory and training program were developed from her experience in Sales, Advertising and Marketing. That program has now been converted to an eLearning version and is delivered either as a self-paced learning program, a hybrid/blended version, or customized.

She has recently published a new mini ebook “INFLUENCE; the 7 BIG Secrets in 7 little minutes”  

Her latest book, “You X 2 - the New Peer Mentor Model for Success Now”  is now available as an ebook and in paperback.


  • Full Name
    Elaina Zuker
  • Job Title


  • Name
    Elaina Zuker Associates

Webinars, Recordings, Resources, Groups, Conference Presentations

 July 23, 2024 - Influence Behavior Tactics That Work - Webinar Path2x apply small
 July 18, 2024 - The Proven LinkedIn Connections Campaign That Converts - Resource Path2x apply small
 May 08, 2024 - How Webinar-Based Coaching Drives Training Success - Webinar Path2x apply small
 April 29, 2024 - The Proven LinkedIn Connections Campaign That Converts - Webinar Path2x apply small
 December 08, 2023 - The Neuroscience of Persuasion - Webinar Path2x apply small
 November 07, 2023 - More Secrets of Influence - Pull, Sway, Leverage, Clout, Mojo, Power - Resource Path2x apply small
 October 13, 2023 - More Secrets of Influence - Pull, Sway, Leverage, Clout, Mojo, Power - Webinar Path2x apply small
 October 10, 2023 - Your Influence Advantage: Powerful Persuasion Strategies Not Found in Robert Cialdini's Book INFLUENCE - Webinar Path2x apply small
 July 19, 2023 - Peer Mentoring – A Strategy for Success - Resource Path2x apply small
 July 05, 2023 - The Four Languages of Selling - Webinar Path2x apply small
 June 13, 2023 - Peer Mentoring – A Strategy for Success - Webinar Path2x apply small
 May 03, 2023 - LinkedIn + AI = A Lead Gen Dream Come True - Resource Path2x apply small
 April 11, 2023 - LinkedIn + AI = A Lead Gen Dream Come True - Webinar Path2x apply small
 February 18, 2023 - Secrets of Influence – Higher IQ (INFLUENCE Quotient) for You and Your Sales Team - Resource Path2x apply small
 January 26, 2023 - Why You Don't Need More Leads on LinkedIn - Webinar Path2x apply small
 December 15, 2022 - Sell Yourself: How to Create, Live and Sell a Powerful Personal Brand - Webinar Path2x apply small
 November 16, 2022 - Secrets of Influence – Higher IQ (INFLUENCE Quotient) for You and Your Sales Team - Webinar Path2x apply small
 November 15, 2022 - How to Become a Micro-Influencer on LinkedIn: Grow Your Followers - Webinar Path2x apply small
 November 15, 2022 - Converting LinkedIn Connections to Conversations - Webinar Path2x apply small
 September 08, 2022 - Secrets of Influence® - the Extra Edge for Sales - Resource Path2x apply small
 September 01, 2022 - Influence Hack #5 - SECRETS OF INFLUENCE ® - the Extra Edge for Sales - Resource Path2x apply small
 September 01, 2022 - Influence Hack #2 - A Macro Approach - The Key to Influence - Resource Path2x apply small
 August 31, 2022 - Influence Hack #1 - The Million Dollar Impact of a Single Idea - Resource Path2x apply small
 August 24, 2022 - Influence: The 7 Big Secrets in 7 Minutes - Resource Path2x apply small
 August 04, 2022 - Screen Actors’ Secrets to Connect, Engage and Influence on Camera - Webinar Path2x apply small
 July 28, 2022 - Create Recognition Programs that Drive Improved Performance - Webinar Path2x apply small
 July 21, 2022 - Presenting and Selling Virtually - Webinar Path2x apply small
 July 14, 2022 - Secrets of Influence® - the Extra Edge for Sales - Webinar Path2x apply small
 June 13, 2022 - Powerful, Persuasive Presentations: 5 Techniques that Lead to the Results You Want - Webinar Path2x apply small


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