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Forrester conducted an online survey with 440 respondents and four interviews with sales enablement strategy decision-makers in North America to explore this topic. We found that organizations understand the value of agile content, but can’t always produce and use agile content across the enterprise. This recent Forrester report, Agile Content Strategies Deliver Business Results And Drive Sales Adoption, reveals how sales content has evolved and how business leaders must adapt. Download your copy today to see how you can overcome business pressures changing sales content management. You’ll learn: 3 key sales content research findings Why marketing content is an essential sales tool How lack of resources and incentives limit sales content impact 3 agile content best practices to increase buyer engagement 4 recommendations to gain significant business benefits
  Several years ago, I gave a speech to about 300 businesswomen, "How to Manage your Time for Success. After the talk, I handed out a simple handout of tips and exercises. Afterward, two women came up to me and asked if they could "use" my handout packet. They were the Circulation Managers for Working Woman magazine (readership about one million) They wanted to use the booklet as a "premium" - a free gift for new subscribers. I was delighted but said that since this was my copyrighted material I couldn’t allow them to reproduce the booklets; instead, I would sell them the booklets they wanted. After some negotiating, they ordered 100,000 copies of a 12-page booklet, which I wrote, designed and had printed. Click here to see the full list of Influence "hacks" 
Several years ago, one of our Affiliates in the San Francisco Bay Area who said she had a "lead" for me from a large defense contracting company, which said they needed some training in "presentation skills". (let’s call her "C") Before going to the meeting, I learned that the division which had called was a group of elite physicists, who had not had a lot of work to do since U.S. involvement in wars had slowed down. (this was before 9/11,before our wars in Afghanistan and Iraq)
Aside from my usual training/consulting business at that time,I also had a business in what was called "premiums or "custom publishing". You have likely gotten a mailing from a magazine, offering you a subscription with a free gift - a gadget, a diary, or a book of tips or ideas. I’d come up with an idea for one of the magazines in the Time-Life group. First, they would test it by send out a mailing offering my idea as well as two other ideas to a test audience. Whichever of the 3 ideas got more responses was the winner, and that idea was then "rolled out" for a much larger project, sometimes to a million or more potential customers. Usually, they got about 5,000 affirmative responses. What this meant, to a small vendor like me, was that I’d have to create the actual 5,000 booklets (at enormous cost, usually a loss) to fulfill the first 5,000 customers.
Several years ago I got word that a large tech company was going to send a "Request for Proposals" out to several vendors for a large consulting and training contract. My advantages - I had already worked with several divisions of the company. I understood the culture - its habits, strengths, and weaknesses and "lingo". My work had gotten consistently good ratings from the groups I had worked with. My disadvantages -Would the decision-makers worry that my "lean and mean" operation could not deliver on a huge contract? Who were the decision-makers, and how would they decide? What were their decision-criteria?
As many of us are all too painfully aware, we have had to adjust to "new normals" in all arenas of life; a noisy and unpredictable universe has accelerated the need for better Influence.  Of course, technology is transforming our very lives, but, even if we’re all connected, we’re losing our personal touch. Our interpersonal skills are becoming rusty. Indeed, studies by the World Economic Forum and Harvard Business Review say that Influence and Social Skills will be among the top required capabilities by the year 2023 and beyond.
Your buyers’ lives, preferences, and expectations have changed. Two-thirds or 67% of buyers prefer remote or digital interactions — and they expect those interactions to be substantive and valuable. They hold your sellers to a high standard. That means the buying experiences of the past — in-person meetings, transactional conversations, and linear sales funnels — no longer deliver. Read this Essential Guide to the Buying Experience of the Future to learn how a unified, three- pillared revenue enablement framework of preparation, tools and assets, and communication empowers your customer-facing teams to thrive in modern selling environments.
We all know we need to coach sales reps. In the face of The Great Resignation, a staggering 60% of reps say that they’re more likely to leave their job if their manager is a poor coach (*The Center for Sales Strategy.) However, successful coaching is not always as easy as it seems. A sales leader’s time is spent on a multitude of tasks - accurately forecasting revenue, understanding where deals are, getting on calls with customers - and often, as a result, they don’t know where to begin a formal coaching process. Whether your goal is to improve rep performance, onboard new hires faster, speed up your sales cycle, or boost retention rates, effective sales coaching driven by data can be a game-changer for your organization. This guide demonstrates: How sales tech can identify coaching best practices and increase coaching effectiveness and efficiency. How to use data to improve sales coaching, including real-life examples. How to leverage sales tech to better identify "who" to coach, "what" to coach, and "how" to coach it!
The Sales Leader’s Guide, 2023: Mitigate Market Risk and Drive Sustained Revenue in an Uncertain Economy With 2023 around the corner, it’s no secret that rumors of a recession are looming as inflation is at its peak and the market continues to fluctuate. While economic uncertainty is difficult to ignore, what does it mean for sales leaders and businesses? Readjusting expectations and evaluating processes will be a big part of successfully mitigating market risk and driving revenue in an uncertain economy. However, rather than reacting to market conditions, the successful leader will purposely pivot - using strategy, data, and resources efficiently to make better, data-driven decisions for their organization. With employee churn at a high, factors including upskilling and retaining talent, focusing on the quality of conversations, streamlining your tech stack to preserve time and budget, and mitigating organizational risk are just a handful of factors to consider when evaluating your readiness for the new year. This eBook outlines the following ways in which sales leaders can purposely pivot and utilize both data, technology, and strategy to remain resilient and overcome obstacles presented by a changing economic environment: Readjust your expectations to adapt to the changing economy Ramp new hires to full revenue productivity sooner Focus on quality conversations, not the quantity Mitigate organizational and budget changes by improving sales effectiveness Consolidate resources to better preserve time and budget Streamline tech to provide a seamless loop of insights and integrations Tailor your communications to avoid fines or upset consumers Ensure that your decisions are data-driven; it’s more important than ever
Introduction When Peter McLaughlin and I first began talking about the topics of communication and feedback specifically, we quickly realized we had several things in common. We both felt that we were not particularly effective in giving feedback. In fact, we felt that we were pretty bad. We enjoyed the challenge and the positive results that come with a successful feedback conversation. We wondered why we had not naturally learned to give feedback. We agreed that if we were provided with a roadmap or model for giving feedback, we would have performed much more effectively in such situations. Looking back at particular examples, we both had a sense of delight from the positive encounters, and a sense of dread over the sessions that left us feeling discouraged, beaten down and lackluster. So why did we begin a project filled with such negative emotion? The answer—both to improve our own feedback skills and to examine what it would take to teach a new perspective and help "turn the opinion tide" that has made feedback a dreaded negative topic. Who doesn’t want to get better? Have you ever known anyone who said, "Nah, I’ll just stay mediocre and by the way, I don’t want a raise, promotion or exciting project…" Probably not. Our internal drive propels us to strive, learn and improve.
It’s the most important thing you can do as a sales leader: Master the skill of sales coaching It’s the difference between hitting your number every once in awhile and achieving over-goal performance year after year. It’s the difference between moving up in your career or moving out. Yet so few sales leaders know how to coach their salespeople. Do You? Sales Coaching Success: Five Secrets Will help you: ✓ Know why the goals you set with your reps aren’t working very well. ✓ Discover the powerful habit that supercharges any salesperson. ✓ Create a cadence of accountability that drives real revenue results. ✓ Learn a proven process for conducting effective weekly one-on-ones. ✓ And best of all, love being a sales leader again!
Our post-pandemic recovery has left us with instability in our supply chain, inflation, and a unique work environment. As a result, even the most solid retention and growth strategies must adapt and continue to raise the bar to ensure their contributions to brand and business value keep pace. There has never been a better time to reconsider the role of Business-to-Business (B2B) incentive and loyalty strategies. This ebook makes a case for why B2B incentive and loyalty program strategies must be refreshed or redesigned. Then, we will explore how to do that by exposing the three major reasons brands do not make these changes today. Finally, we will provide a checklist of the steps you should follow to refresh and reinvigorate your programs. Brands who simply roll over their program from year to year risk, at best, missing out on incremental revenue that could be achieved by reassessing your target audience's values. At worst, these brands face customer retention issues and lose share to their competitors. On the other hand, brands that redesign and make their programs smarter can experience about 20% gains in Return On Investment or more. Let’s dig in! 
Whether your organizational goals include acquiring new customers or retaining top talent, you need powerful rewards and incentives to motivate your recipients. In this white paper, we'll discuss how you can find the right digital gift card management partner to help you stay competitive.
The media sales industry, along with many others, took a hit during the pandemic. The industry has bounced back as it continues its transition from traditional to digital formats. Our recent 2023 State of Media Sales survey of nearly 500 media sellers and sales managers reveals the challenges they face are not unlike those across the selling profession. We also discovered the best ways for sales managers in every vertical to improve their outcomes this year.
The Covid pandemic has changed our lives forever, from the way we communicate, to the way we think about mental health, and far beyond. We have reorganized our priorities, put a higher value on time with family and friends, and have a greater appreciation for some of the freedoms we used to take for granted. This is no less true in the business world and the day-to-day of our jobs. One of the biggest workforce changes brought about by the pandemic is working remotely. And while many workers have begun to return to the office, a substantial number continue to work remotely or have a hybrid schedule. For some organizations, this new distributed workforce is here to stay. So how do you motivate them appropriately? Download this white paper for insights.
In today’s global economy, as things like climate change, COVID-19, and political unrest around the world are causing corporations to rethink how they manage their business, a new question has emerged amongst these new theories in the practice of performance improvement: Can effective employee engagement make a positive contribution to stabilizing the global economy? This white paper explores that question in compelling detail.
Dear Reader, Give me 7 minutes of your time, and I’ll give you The essence of my bestselling book, "Seven Secrets of Influence" and the international one-day seminar Program, "Secrets of Influence™" My goal here is to give you, in just a few minutes and a few dollars, a basic understanding of the important Influence theory and skills that Fortune 100 executives pay thousands of dollars for. I’ve given you the self-assessment questionnaire "Influence Styles Inventory" at the very beginning, plus a printed (or digital) way for you to learn your own Influence Score. That, and the description of the Influence Styles, should take about 7-10 minutes. (Then, for deeper understanding, you can read the rest of the short book to enhance your awareness and skills) Here, in condensed form, for busy people like yourself, a rich and deep view of these important ideas necessary for anyone to be successful in the 21st Century! Wishing you much Success and Influence!
New 75,000-Person Research Study Unveils Findings to Unlock Workforce Potential With almost universal awareness about the business benefits of employee motivation, why are employees checking out in droves? New research unveils findings about employee motivation that is stemming this trend in some organizations. Critical steps detailed that can help increase employee motivation in an organization.
The holiday season means major shopping. And your customers are looking for the best deals. As companies try different tactics to reward loyal customers and attract new business, some incentives will work better than others. Learn how you can stand out from the competition this year. Download our 2023 holiday sales incentives guide and learn how you can send digital gift cards that encourage customer loyalty and attract new business.
Industry research shows that effective sales coaching can dramatically improve the performance of a sales team - in some cases driving up revenues by 20% or more.   The reason for such potential improvements is the significant "multiplier effect" sales organizations can achieve through sales coaching: one trained manager can coach multiple sales professionals and improve their overall performance. With such potential benefits it is no wonder that many sales organizations recommend that their frontline sales managers spend 25% - 45% of their time sales coaching.   The High Impact Sales Coaching Guide provides expert advice on essential sales coaching skills to help sales managers effectively empower their teams to reach their highest potential.
Ask a CEO to name his or her organization's most important asset and you're sure to hear "our people," followed closely by "our customers." Everything  else  takes  a  backseat, and  yet few books are written about how these two most  valuable assets interact, engage, align, collaborate, innovate, and create value together. Beyond the Sales Process focuses on the frontline of engagement with customers. It is specifically intended for salespeople, account managers, their managers, and sales leaders, as well as others who have responsibilities and pressures associated with developing and winning business, and those  who  are  tasked  with  extending  and expanding their relationships with customers. In the case studies that follow each section, you'll learn how top companies engage differently and grow successful customer relationships based on collaboration, innovation, and mutual value creation and co-creation. These case studies provide an in-depth perspective on how industry leaders across the globe engage, win, and grow with their customers. Adecco Staffing U.S., BNY Mellon, Hilton Worldwide, Honeywell Building Solutions, Merck/MSD, Panasonic Corporation, Securian Financial Group-Group Insurance, Siemens AG, and Zurich Insurance Group have generously provided us with their stories. While this book is largely intended for those who want to consistently be at the top of their professional peer groups and are willing to consider new ideas to help them succeed, it will also be of value to the managers and leaders who motivate, coach, and support the efforts of their teams. Thus, this  book  is  for  those  customer-facing  professionals  who need to drive their performance to the next level of effectiveness. Click VIEW below to download these valuable strategies.
"If you're trying to persuade people to do something, or buy something, it seems to me you should use their language, the language they use every day, the language in which they think."  - David Ogilvy David Ogilvy, the famous marketing and sales executive, said it this way, "If you're trying to persuade people to do something, or buy something, it seems to me you should use their language, the language they use every day, the language in which they think." Nelson Mandela said it like this: "If you talk to [people] in a language [they] understand, that goes to [their] heads. If you talk to [them] in [their] language, that goes to [their] heart." The ability to communicate—whether to persuade or just to understand—goes beyond using words well; it requires the ability to use words in a way that has meaning for those with whom you are speaking. The ability to talk with someone in his or her native language isn’t just about them understanding you; it’s about you understanding them—their experiences, their thinking, their beliefs, and their values. While definitions lie in words, meaning lies in the people who use them.
Click below to download this workbook for Bob Kelleher's  60-minute interactive webinar, 7 Tools to Unlock The Engagement of Your Team" where you'll learn the secrets to becoming a more engaged, motivated, and productive person, employee, and if applicable, manager, in this captivating and self-reflective session of self-discovery.  Bob will help managers, execs and leaders learn: How to coach employees to booster their personal engagement How to use polling exercises to get at the ‘undiscussables’ with your team  How to get your employees to go ‘above and beyond’ If you missed the live session, use this workbook in tandem with the On Demand webinar, available after 1/25/24.  Better yet, click here to register and join us for the live session on 1/25.
Download this special report loaded with additional findings from the study. Plus, you'll get insider tips for executive leaders and middle managers.  
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