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Future-Proof Your Sales & Marketing: How Gen Z Will Change the Game
Get ready to harness the power of a generation poised to redefine the workplace and sales & marketing landscape. This interactive webinar dives deep into the unique skillsets and perspectives of Gen Z, the emerging workforce that will shape the future of your business.  
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The Proven LinkedIn Connections Campaign That Converts
Present without PowerPoint - Could Ya? Would Ya?
PowerPoint can be an awesome tool to help you convey information. Yet, have you ever thought about delivering a presentation without any slides at all?  
Sell More by Saying Less with the ABTs of Storytelling
You communicate and care but don't connect with your audiences as deeply as you could because you have not learned the foundational structure of storytelling called the ABT (And, But, Therefore) agile narrative framework. In this fun and interactive webinar, Park Howell will show you how to tap into the three forces of story of agreement, contradiction and consequence that our primal pattern-seeking, problem-solving, decision-making buying limbic brain adorse.  
How Webinar-Based Coaching Drives Training Success
What if there was he way to coach the masses all at once? What if there was an approach that created organizational alignment and made it easier for leaders to develop talent? What if there was a proprietary approach that assisted training departments with a reinforcement strategy that increased training and learning retention?  
Don’t Waste Money on AI. Spend Time Preparing Your Marketing Stack for It.
AI has the potential to reshape marketing and revolutionize customer engagement... or does it? While access to generative AI and AI-powered SaaS tools has been democratized, many competitive advantages haven't been unlocked. These significant investments poured into new AI systems will see little return if critical synergy between human insight and AI is not in place.  
Together Through the Unknown: How to Successfully Manage Change, Culture, and Communication
Your next challenge awaits. Whether you know it or not, your organization will soon go through a major change: AI integration, a merger or acquisition, strategic expansion, downsizing, market shifts, budget cuts, or product delays.  
Improving Staff Morale & Reducing Turnover with the 5 Languages of Appreciation
In spite of employee recognition and incentive programs, keeping employees engaged is difficult and turnover is high (especially for remote team members). Learn how to communicate authentic appreciation in the ways that are meaningful to your team through research-proven, easy-to-implement tools and practical actions.  
7 Types of Content for Sales Professionals
The ability to craft and utilize diverse content at each stage of the buyer's journey is crucial for sales professionals. This journey can be segmented into three main stages: top of the funnel (ToFu), middle of the funnel (MoFu), and post-sale. Each stage requires specific content strategies to nurture leads, convert prospects, and maintain customer loyalty.  
The Art and Science of Sales: How to Close More Business by Having the Right Conversation
Selling is the fuel that drives our business growth. It's both an art and a science.  
How to Inject Creativity Into Your B2B Marketing Content
B2B content lacks imagination. It's fine, we fixed that. That's all we need to say!
Unlock Extraordinary Sales Results with Training that Really Works
No one should buy sales training just to check a box. Organizations invest in sales training to achieve better sales results. Period. So how do you know if the training you are about to invest in will hit the mark?  
4 Key Things Executives Need to Know About AI
AI is rewriting the rules of business, even as enterprises themselves struggle to implement it. Executives are intrigued by AI's potential, but they often question how AI can truly work for them. Where can AI generate real business value? Where does - and doesn’t - it have tangible use cases? How can teams be set up to effectively deploy and manage it for long-term success?
L&D's Imperative for AI: Upskilling Critical Thinking
The use of AI in the workplace is exploding and your employees’ ability to discern fact from AI hallucination is increasingly imperative. Without critical thinking skills, we face a danger where falsehoods will negatively impact workplaces and consumer interactions.  
Visual Sales Mastery: How Simple Sketches Can Help You Close Bigger, Faster Sales
Struggling to stand out, connect with, and be remembered by sales prospects?    
Sales Call Perfection: 9 Steps to Boost Conversion Rate Success
Are your sales call conversion rates plummeting? Are you frustrated with sales calls that fail to seal the deal? Are your Sales cycles ballooning? You’re not alone. Every sales call has its own nuance but no call is more important to your business than the discovery call. The discovery call sets the tone for the entire sale.  
Seven Pivotal Moments That Lead to Personal Growth
During every journey, there are pivotal moments where you remember the person, place, and time when you learned something that changes the course of your journey. There are seven pivotal moments from Steve’s journey shared in this workshop that will help you in your leadership practice. 
Quick Ways to Generate Revenue for Your Organization
Your revenue goals slipped off track. The strategies you consistently relied on for B2B sales leads no longer work, and you’re tired of waiting for the situation to improve.  
Leveraging Manager and Peer Engagement to Build Superior Training
Recent research shows that manager and peer involvement in training can dramatically improve effectiveness, in some cases by more than 75 percent! However, there is a problem. Manager coaching is at an all-time low, and the shift to more remote training methods has limited peer engagement.   
Smm april 2024 cover
Ready for a Rebound
It wasn’t long ago that fans of the National Basketball Association could be excused for turning off a game if a team was leading by 15 to 20 points in the first half. Such leads were mostly insurmountable, even with a half to play. No longer. The latest regular season, which ended in mid-April, featured a record 38 comeback victories by teams that trailed by 20 points or more during a game. The previous record for victories after trailing by 20 or more was 30, set last season. Sales managers whose teams fell well short of first-quarter revenue goals take heart. If NBA squads can reverse course and come out on top when trailing by 20 with only half the game left, it’s possible, even in the world of complex B2B sales, to make adjustments and still meet this year’s sales targets. Sales slumps are a certainty. How sales managers and sales reps respond to them impacts a slump’s length and severity. Sales management veterans we spoke with and others who have commented on the internet state that a prolonged drop in sales should be viewed as an opportunity to review a B2B company’s go-to-market strategy from start to finish. Does a marketing campaign need to be refreshed? Is lead generation falling short? Are reps failing to secure enough initial meetings? Is low motivation a problem? If you’re losing market share to a competitor, it’s imperative to figure out why — fast!
Stand Out, Get Noticed and Create Influence with Expert Market Positioning
Do you struggle to communicate your company’s value and uniqueness to prospects? This innovative marketing presentation will show you exactly how to position your business as a top industry leader and authority. Discover how to stand out far above your competitors.  
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How to Use a Coaching Framework for Training Reinforcement
This webinar will reveal a very specific approach that combines the world of leadership coaching as a tool for training reinforcement. For far too long training has been left alone without the value of training reinforcement. This webinar will illustrate how reinforcement can easily be applied to elevate the value and delivery of your training.
Ma ebook preview
Boost Your Reach and Maximize Returns
Despite growing popularity, marketing automation remains underutilized in many organizations that could greatly benefit from it. It can open a world of new opportunities for your business as described in our free ebook, Guide to Marketing Automation.   Marketing automation streamlines complex marketing processes, allowing companies to efficiently manage campaigns across multiple channels. By automating repetitive tasks like email marketing, segmentation, and lead scoring, it frees up valuable time for strategic planning and creativity. Marketing automation streamlines your marketing efforts to:  1. Save time and money on your marketing efforts  2. Drive more sales  3. Get to know your clients better and strengthen customer relationships  4. Improve the user experience  5. Automate repetitive tasks  With Brevo, marketing automation has never been so intuitive and approachable. Don’t wait to take action and drive growth for your business.
Creating a Master Plan for Leadership Development
Now is a great time to re-think how leadership development is conducted in your organization.  
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