Speaker: Ira Ozer

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Ira Ozer
NY, United States
User Rights
Ira Ozer is the CEO of Engagement Partners, an engagement consulting company, that assesses current engagement scores and redesigns recognition and reward programs to improve performance.  Ira is a certified recognition professional (CRP), certified professional of incentive management (CPIM) and a certified engagement professional and he partners with sales consulting,  training and enablement technology companies and associations.  Ira is a frequent speaker about how to effectively use incentives to motivate and engage employees, salespeople, channel partners and customers.


  • Full Name
    Ira Ozer
  • Job Title


  • Name
    Engagement Partners

Webinars, Recordings, Resources, Groups, Conference Presentations

 July 01, 2024 - How to Develop Character Skills: The Key to Growing Stronger Leaders and Teams - Webinar Path2x apply small
 June 10, 2024 - Present without PowerPoint - Could Ya? Would Ya? - Webinar Path2x apply small
 June 06, 2024 - The Four Habits of Highly Seductive Trainers and Designers - Webinar Path2x apply small
 May 22, 2024 - Don’t Waste Money on AI. Spend Time Preparing Your Marketing Stack for It. - Webinar Path2x apply small
 April 18, 2024 - Visual Sales Mastery: How Simple Sketches Can Help You Close Bigger, Faster Sales - Webinar Path2x apply small
 April 05, 2024 - Improving Staff Morale & Reducing Turnover with the 5 Languages of Appreciation - Webinar Path2x apply small
 April 01, 2024 - Future-Proof Your Sales & Marketing: How Gen Z Will Change the Game - Webinar Path2x apply small
 March 22, 2024 - The Art and Science of Sales: How to Close More Business by Having the Right Conversation - Webinar Path2x apply small
 February 14, 2024 - Can You Prepare Today for the Digital Opportunities of Tomorrow? - Webinar Path2x apply small
 February 08, 2024 - The New Way to Transform Leaders in 30 Days - Webinar Path2x apply small
 February 02, 2024 - When Feedback Flops!! - Webinar Path2x apply small
 February 01, 2024 - Procrastination - Your Super Power!! - Webinar Path2x apply small
 January 22, 2024 - How to Tell a Story that Sells - Webinar Path2x apply small
 January 22, 2024 - 6 Ways for More Engaging Sales - Webinar Path2x apply small
 January 16, 2024 - Building Sales and Trust in the AI Jungle - Webinar Path2x apply small
 January 11, 2024 - The Happy Sales Manager Way to Lead and Win in an Uncertain Economy - Webinar Path2x apply small
 January 10, 2024 - Measuring the Success of Sales Training - Webinar Path2x apply small
 January 05, 2024 - Navigating Workplace Conflict: How to Have More Influence, Less Drama and Better Collaboration - Webinar Path2x apply small
 January 03, 2024 - Quick Ways to Generate Revenue for Your Organization - Webinar Path2x apply small
 December 19, 2023 - Seize Your Leadership Potential: Take Command with Confidence - Webinar Path2x apply small
 December 13, 2023 - Credibility at Work: How Leaders Can Achieve More by Building Credibility - Webinar Path2x apply small
 December 08, 2023 - The Neuroscience of Persuasion - Webinar Path2x apply small
 December 05, 2023 - 10 Ways to Drive People Forward to Peak Performance - Webinar Path2x apply small
 December 05, 2023 - 2024 Sales Trends Shaping Your Revenue Generation Goals - Webinar Path2x apply small
 September 26, 2023 - Making the Business Case for Incentive Travel - Resource Path2x apply small
 September 11, 2023 - What Keeps Your Clients and Prospects Up at Night? - Webinar Path2x apply small
 August 21, 2023 - Power Pitching: How to Win a Pitch - Webinar Path2x apply small
 August 10, 2023 - How to Build Authority and Trust and Ultimately Get More Sales with Email Content Marketing - Webinar Path2x apply small
 August 03, 2023 - Increasing Win Rates and Profitability: 3 Keys to Greater Success - Webinar Path2x apply small
 August 02, 2023 - Making the Business Case for Incentive Travel - Webinar Path2x apply small
 August 01, 2023 - How to Not Hate Your Sales Planning Process - Webinar Path2x apply small
 July 31, 2023 - Eliminate Cold Call Anxiety with 5 Email Marketing Campaigns - Webinar Path2x apply small
 July 19, 2023 - 7 Tools to Unlock The Engagement of Your Team - Webinar Path2x apply small
 July 10, 2023 - Creating Print Presentations & Documents with PowerPoint - Webinar Path2x apply small
 July 10, 2023 - PowerPoint Charts That Stand Out - Webinar Path2x apply small
 July 05, 2023 - The Four Languages of Selling - Webinar Path2x apply small
 June 02, 2023 - Selling to the C-Suite... Creating Bigger Sales in Less Time with a Proven, Tactical Process! - Webinar Path2x apply small
 April 21, 2023 - Motivating the Distributed Workforce - The Impact on Incentive and Recognition Program Design - Resource Path2x apply small
 April 20, 2023 - Captivate Your Audience of Five or Five Hundred in 30 Seconds: Unlock the Secrets to Powerful Openers - Webinar Path2x apply small
 April 12, 2023 - Top CEO Shares Secrets of Creating Wealth - Webinar Path2x apply small
 April 11, 2023 - LinkedIn + AI = A Lead Gen Dream Come True - Webinar Path2x apply small
 February 22, 2023 - Digital Transformation 2.0: An Executive’s Guide to AI, ChatBots, and the Future of Martech - Webinar Path2x apply small
 February 22, 2023 - Achieving Revenue Hypergrowth: The Secret to High-Performing Sales & Marketing Teams - Webinar Path2x apply small
 February 16, 2023 - Never Say Whatever: How Small Decisions Make a Big Difference - Webinar Path2x apply small
 February 03, 2023 - Unlock Your Brand's Heart and Soul: A Powerful Communication Strategy for High-Performing Teams - Webinar Path2x apply small
 January 12, 2023 - Brain-Based Strategies for your Sales and Marketing Leaders - Webinar Path2x apply small
 December 19, 2022 - Get Sales Compensation Right! - Webinar Path2x apply small
 December 14, 2022 - Scientific 5-Step Method to Hire “Superstar” Sales Reps - Webinar Path2x apply small
 December 14, 2022 - Gamification to Close the Sales Execution Gap - Webinar Path2x apply small
 December 14, 2022 - 5 Prospecting Strategies for Stronger Sales Results - Webinar Path2x apply small
 November 16, 2022 - Do Recognition Programs GET You Anything? Measuring the Impact and ROI of Recognition Programs - Resource Path2x apply small
 November 15, 2022 - How to Become a Micro-Influencer on LinkedIn: Grow Your Followers - Webinar Path2x apply small
 November 15, 2022 - Converting LinkedIn Connections to Conversations - Webinar Path2x apply small
 November 04, 2022 - How to Future-Proof Your Sales & Marketing Strategy - Webinar Path2x apply small
 October 13, 2022 - Do Recognition Programs GET You Anything? Measuring the Impact and ROI of Recognition Programs - Webinar Path2x apply small
 September 22, 2022 - The (Video!) Boost Your Sales Team Needs - Webinar Path2x apply small
 August 18, 2022 - Make Storytelling Your Leadership Superpower - Webinar Path2x apply small
 August 04, 2022 - Online Presenting Tips for Improving Performance and Increasing Engagement - Resource Path2x apply small
 July 21, 2022 - Presenting and Selling Virtually - Webinar Path2x apply small
 July 14, 2022 - Secrets of Influence® - the Extra Edge for Sales - Webinar Path2x apply small
 June 13, 2022 - Powerful, Persuasive Presentations: 5 Techniques that Lead to the Results You Want - Webinar Path2x apply small
 June 08, 2022 - Want to Build a Stronger Business Culture? Feedback is Key - Webinar Path2x apply small
 June 01, 2022 - Sales Onboarding and Ever Boarding – Leveraging Modern Learning - Webinar Path2x apply small
 May 31, 2022 - Tech Check - Resource Path2x apply small
 May 11, 2022 - Onboarding Best Practices for Winning Sales Teams - Webinar Path2x apply small
 May 02, 2022 - Who's Sinking Your Sales Team's Boat? - Webinar Path2x apply small
 April 12, 2022 - Online Presenting Tips for Improving Performance and Increasing Engagement - Webinar Path2x apply small
 April 08, 2022 - Strategies for Getting to the Ultimate Decision Maker - Webinar Path2x apply small
 March 14, 2022 - Who's Sinking Your Boat? Keys to Understand Why Employees are DISENGAGED and LEAVING! - Webinar Path2x apply small
 March 08, 2022 - The ROI of Sales Enablement: How to Connect Activity to Outcomes - Webinar Path2x apply small
 February 25, 2022 - The Art of Driving Deals Forward: How to Leverage the Right Content at the Right Time for Maximum Impact - Webinar Path2x apply small
 February 15, 2022 - The Psychology of Points Rewards Systems - Webinar Path2x apply small
 January 12, 2022 - Move the “Middle 60%” of Your Sales Team - Resource Path2x apply small
 December 17, 2021 - Move the “Middle 60%” of Your Sales Team - Webinar Path2x apply small
 December 14, 2021 - Birth of a Sales Team - Facilitating an Organizational Service-to-Sales Mindset - Webinar Path2x apply small
 December 08, 2021 - Actors’ Secrets for Unforgettable Virtual Sales Meetings - Webinar Path2x apply small
 December 07, 2021 - How to Coach Top Performers on Your Sales Team - Webinar Path2x apply small
 December 02, 2021 - 5 Strategies to Make Your Sales Coaching More Successful - Webinar Path2x apply small
 November 11, 2021 - How to Become a Thought Leader on LinkedIn - Webinar Path2x apply small
 May 10, 2021 - Increase Sales Effectiveness through Leveraging Improvisational Mindset, Skillset, and Toolset - Webinar Path2x apply small
 March 16, 2021 - How to Book More Meetings with the RIGHT Sales Video Message - Webinar Path2x apply small
 February 25, 2021 - Your Guide to Thriving with Virtual Meetings and Events - Webinar Path2x apply small
 December 02, 2020 - Developing Sellers in a Complex Clinical Environment - Resource Path2x apply small
 November 11, 2020 - Tools & Techniques To Break Through Sales and Marketing Silos - Webinar Path2x apply small
 September 15, 2020 - Why You Need a Digital Marketing Strategy - Resource Path2x apply small
 August 03, 2020 - Improvisation: The Successful Leader’s Secret Weapon for Managing Teams in a Virtual Environment - Webinar Path2x apply small
 July 06, 2020 - Are Your Sales Employees Cut Out for Remote Work? - Resource Path2x apply small
 May 01, 2020 - 100 Sales Enablement Best Practices - Resource Path2x apply small
 April 05, 2016 - Social Selling to the C-Suite - Webinar Path2x apply small
 February 25, 2016 - Calling on Executives: The Secrets They Won't Tell Your Salespeople - Webinar Path2x apply small
 February 18, 2016 - The Barefoot Spirit: Engage and Empower Your People to Ignite Sales - Webinar Path2x apply small
 January 13, 2016 - Hitting the Number: How to Leverage LinkedIn to Reach Sales Quotas in 2016 - Webinar Path2x apply small
 August 04, 2015 - What You Need to Know About Sales Coaching for Improved Performance - Webinar Path2x apply small
 July 09, 2015 - Integrating Coaching Into The "Fabric Of The Business" - Webinar Path2x apply small
 June 17, 2014 - Why Sales Training Doesn't Work and What to Do About It - Webinar Path2x apply small
 April 03, 2013 - The Trouble with Money: Non-cash Rewards and Engagement - Webinar Path2x apply small
 May 31, 2012 - How to Select the Right Sales Training Provider and Avoid a Sales Training Train Wreck - Webinar Path2x apply small


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